新北市政府 New Taipei City Government Apps

新北雲端書櫃 1.0.6
新北雲端書櫃,是一個集結了新北市轄區內所有的公共圖書館、學校圖書館、公務圖書館的電子書讀服務平台,只要您擁有這些圖書館的借閱帳號密碼,就可以隨時隨地透過網路,使用本款App來借閱電子書。New North cloud bookcaseis a build-up in the new Taipei area of ​​all public libraries,school libraries, public libraries eBook reading service platform,as long as you have these libraries borrow account password, youcan at any time via the Internet Use this paragraph to borroweBooks App.
「阿倫Online」新北市掌上型政府 1.8.7
「阿倫Online」新北市掌上型政府,結合智慧型手機提供您隨時陳情、查詢陳情進度、反映施政滿意度等功能。「新北市.心服務」全球24小時為您服務。"Allen Online" New TaipeiCity Government handheld, you can always combine smartphoneprovides petition, petition query progress, reflecting thesatisfaction governance functions."The new Taipei Heart Service" in 24 hours for you.
「醫療精靈」新北市掌上型政府 2.6
「醫療精靈」為新北市掌上型政府智慧型手機系列服務,本應用程式整併醫療相關服務,其獨特之處,是將新北市立聯合醫院掛號服務及診間叫號進度呈現於智慧型手機端,更貼心的提供主動化看診進度通知,以減免不需要的等待時間,另外還提供身高體重指數(BMI)的試算及色盲檢測是個兼具實用性及服務性的小程式,整體服務功能如下:最新新北醫療訊息、週邊醫療服務網、醫療院所看診號查詢、新北市立聯合醫院掛號查詢、健檢資訊、疫苗施打、衛教櫥窗、身高體重指數BMI、看診疾病參考及色盲檢測。「新北市.心服務」全球24小時為您服務。"MedicalWizard" for New Taipei City Government smartphones series handheldservice, the entire application and medical-related services, itsuniqueness, is the joint between the New Taipei City hospital, andclinic schedule service call number is presented to end smartphonesmore intimate provides proactive notification of seeing patientsprogress to reduce unnecessary waiting time, in addition toproviding body mass index (BMI) of spreadsheets and color blindnessdetection is both practical and services of small programs, theoverall service functions as follows : The latest new North medicalinformation surrounding health care networks, medical institutionsto see the doctor for inquiry, New Taipei City Joint hospital,inquiries, health check information, vaccine administered to play,health education windows, height and body mass index, BMI, see thedoctor disease reference and color blindness detection ."New Taipei Heart Service" in 24 hours for you.
新北i環保 5.4
新北市iPolice 4.5.31
New North Municipal Police "iPolice" integrated policing andtraffic-related information to provide the public with your phoneAPP for immediate police service.
新北動健康 1.5
新北水漾 1.4.8
為方便民眾獲取新北市最新水情即時資訊,本局透過水利署及中央氣象局取得相關防汛資訊,讓民眾可透過應用程式得知新北市今、明及未來7天天氣狀況及河川警戒水位、雨量分佈等訊息,並在周邊地圖上顯示定位位置的所在,鄰近河濱公園景點去處。功能說明及特色最新消息:新北市水利局動態訊息發佈。水利周邊資訊:提供定位功能,搜尋鄰近的新北市水利設施。雨量資訊:查看新北市各雨量站過去 24小時雨量累積資料。河川水位:新北市各河川水位警戒值。氣象警報:中央氣象局警報特報公告發佈或解除。天氣資訊:查看新北市一週天氣資。自行車道:新北市自行車道出入口。在建工程資訊:提供新北市各地工程現況與預期成果介紹。系統公告:系統重要訊息宣布。意見回饋:提供使用者意見回饋。雨污水管線:查詢新北市雨污水管線。自行車道功能需載入大量資源,硬體需求較高,載入時可能有畫面變黑之暫時無法載入之情況,若遇到此情況,請關閉程式後,再重試For the convenience ofthepublic to obtain the new Taipei latest hydrological Now,theDepartment obtained the relevant information through theFloodControl Water Resources Agency and the Central Weather Bureau,sothat people can know the new Taipei this app, the Ming and thenextseven days weather conditions and river warning level,rainfalldistribution of messages and display location locationlocation,near Riverside Park on the place of interest surroundingthe map.Function and FeaturesLatest news: New Taipei City Bureau of Water Resourcesdynamicmessage released.CONSERVANCY surrounding Information: Provides positioning,searchfor nearby New Taipei City water conservancyfacilities.Rainfall Information: View New Taipei City each rainfall stationinthe past 24 hours accumulated rainfall data.River water level: New Taipei City each river water levelwarningvalue.Weather alert: Central Weather Bureau special reportalarmsannouncement or release.Weather Information: View New Taipei City oneweekweather-owned.Bicycle lanes: New Taipei City bike lane entrance.Construction in progress News: New Taipei City to providestatusthroughout the project and expected resultspresentation.Announcement: Important Message System announced.Feedback: provide user feedback.Rain water pipeline: Discover New Taipei City rainwaterpipelines.After the bike path function needs to load a lot ofresources,higher hardware requirements, it may darken the pictureof thesituation is temporarily unable to load when loading, in casethishappens, turn off the program and try again
新北好停車 1.0.2
提供新北市交通局停管科所轄停車場、停車位相關資訊與停車導引。New Taipei CityDepartment of Transportation to provide stop IMSS jurisdictionparking, parking information and parking guidance.
新北iMAP 1.0
新北市iMAP電子地圖網行動版,新北市政府將各機關的開放資料,結合空間資訊系統共同平台,透過適地性服務(Location-BasedService,LBS),讓您利用地圖隨點隨查,快速了解當地鄰近的生活地標、附近設施(AED急救站、轄區派出所、WiFi熱點),以及所屬學區,還提供地價資訊(包含:地段地號、使用分區、土地公告現值與公告地價),是您了解新北市各種食衣住行育樂資訊的最佳智慧好幫手。想知道更多?歡迎拜訪新北iMAP(map.ntpc.gov.tw)。New Taipei City iMAPmapnet Mobile, the new North City Hall will be open toinformationprovided by the authorities, combined with spatialinformationsystems common platform via location-based services(Location-BasedService, LBS), allowing you to use map with thepoint with theinvestigation, quickly understand local adjacentliving landmarks,nearby facilities (AED first aid station, thedistrict policestation, WiFi hotspots), and belongs to the schooldistrict, butalso provides premium information (comprising: Lot tonumber, usethe partition, the present value of the landannouncements andannouncements land), you understand best newTaipei wisdom theirlifestyles various recreational information is agood helper. Wantto know more? Welcome to visit the new NorthiMAP(map.ntpc.gov.tw).
建管即時通 5.2.1
The construction management instant messenger-APP is closelyintegrated with the construction management administrative process.It is used in the gradually popularized smart phones, and combinedwith the APP push broadcast technology, the public can clearlyunderstand the application progress of the application cases.
我的新北市 1.10.14
Integrate New Taipei City Municipal and convenience services,customized information push, mobile New Taipei Card, mobile librarycard, library information inquiry, free computer courses, municipalmailbox and event newsletters, special/pet parks, etc., allowingyou to use a single machine Service takes away.
新北消防行動APP 1.0.11
"New Taipei City Fire Fighting App" is a mobile fire fightinginformation system built by the New Taipei City Government FireDepartment for citizens of New Taipei City.
新北智慧社區 2.2.10
Easily upgrade for a generation of users, no need to reinstall,just one-click update in the App Store to experience!
建管即時通 5.2.1
The construction management instant messenger-APP is closelyintegrated with the construction management administrative process.It is used in the gradually popularized smart phones, and combinedwith the APP push broadcast technology, the public can clearlyunderstand the application progress of the application cases.
新北動健康3.0 3.0.33
In order to improve citizens' autonomous exercise management andhealthy eating behaviors, the New Taipei City Government HealthBureau developed the "New Taipei City Health 3.0" APP, whichprovides information and tools related to public health management,so as to prevent and reverse frailty and increase citizens' healthylife expectancy.
防疫助手 1.1.5
Users can learn about the risks of potential personal healththreats in their local areas and the health prediction risks of theplaces they will go to through the Epidemic Prevention AssistantAPP, which can be used as a reference for people to make decisionsabout shopping, office, commuting, and travel.
新北行動支付NewTaiPAY 1.3.2
[NewTaiPAY] During the public trial of the APP, participate in NewTaipei City activities through NewTaiPAY to obtain New TaipeiDollars, which can be redeemed for consumption at New Taipei Dollarpartner stores and enjoy great discounts on mobile payment!
"New Taipei iCare Health Cloud" is a tool provided by the NewTaipei City Government for citizens' personal health management.
輔具EasyGo 1.0.0
Citizens of New Taipei City can use New Taipei AssistiveDevicesEasy Go to apply for the required assistive devices online,fill inthe information and send it directly. Tool.